Come To The Cradle

Dearest Kayla,

Some memories are so strong, you know when they are occurring, they will forever be a part of your future.
You are changed somehow, in the moment, and you know something is happening, but you don’t understand what all of it will look like.

One such memory for me was sitting in the quiet of night, rocking my tiny first baby girl to sleep while singing gently to her.
Who am I kidding?
She was already asleep, I just wanted to hold her longer.

And so I sang quiet enough not to wake her, but so that I could pour out my heart to The Lord for this precious one, and her future.

I sang Michael Card songs to you, while singing them to Him, promising my life, my devotion to Him and to you.

And I begged Him to take you as well, as His own, to instill in you the desire He had instilled in me from birth,
To Want Him, To Seek Him, To be found BY Him.

And you slept peacefully and I sang quietly and passionately,
And while my voice was just average, I poured it out,
along with my tears.

Then I watched you grow, and change from tiny baby, to healthy girl,
to beautiful teen.
And your Voice, it came out so sweet, so pure, so perfect.

And your heart for worship was so strong,
Above contemporary melodies and meaningless mantras.

And I did wonder, Was it the songs I sang back then? or maybe the answer to my prayers I had given up night after night in that rocking chair?

I will never really know. But I want you to have this blessing of a CD to play for Finn.
Maybe you will find yourself singing to him, as I did.
And you will feel the emptying of your whole heart and spirit into such a precious life that The Lord has given you to pour into.

You may find yourself far lacking at the end of a hard day of motherhood. Scoop him up, baby, hold him close, and sing to him.

You will not regret it. You and he will be changed.

I love you so much,


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